Luxury Parc specializes in selling New & Pre Owned designer handbags and luxury accessories. Every product found on our website is guaranteed to be 100% authentic or your money back. Each designer handbag includes a certificate of authenticity.
How We Authenticate Designer Handbags
Luxury Parc utilizes technology backed with industry experts to ensure each designer handbag sold on our website is guaranteed to be 100% authentic.
Our team of experts carefully examine each designer handbag to ensure it is genuine. We examine the stitching, material, date codes, serial numbers, fonts, hardware and motif under close magnification.
Once the item has passed the visual inspection our experts utilize technology in order to guaranteed authenticity.
Using a microscopic camera each element is fully examined and the results compared with the largest database of authentic designer handbags. Once the results comeback genuine and authentic our software is able to provide a certificate of authenticity.
Shop Luxury Parc
Luxury Parc carefully evaluates every item for authenticity and condition. Most of our handbags are New with retail tags still attached. However we also do sell quality pre owned bag that are in near mint like new condition. We take the time to carefully inspect every pre owned item to make sure you are buying a quality piece. Our products offered online are the best of best and our selection process is very meticulous.
How We Authenticate Designer Handbags
Luxury Parc utilizes technology backed with industry experts to ensure each designer handbag sold on our website is guaranteed to be 100% authentic.
Our team of experts carefully examine each designer handbag to ensure it is genuine. We examine the stitching, material, date codes, serial numbers, fonts, hardware and motif under close magnification.
Once the item has passed the visual inspection our experts utilize technology in order to guaranteed authenticity.
Using a microscopic camera each element is fully examined and the results compared with the largest database of authentic designer handbags. Once the results comeback genuine and authentic our software is able to provide a certificate of authenticity.
Shop Luxury Parc
Luxury Parc carefully evaluates every item for authenticity and condition. Most of our handbags are New with retail tags still attached. However we also do sell quality pre owned bag that are in near mint like new condition. We take the time to carefully inspect every pre owned item to make sure you are buying a quality piece. Our products offered online are the best of best and our selection process is very meticulous.